Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and computational tools to solve complex petroleum engineering problems and activities with an understanding of the assumptions and limitations
PO 6
The Engineer and Society
Apply engineering reasoning to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and other consequent responsibilities relevant to petroleum engineering practice
PO 7
Environment and Sustainability
Understand the impact of petroleum engineering solutions in societal and environmental context and demonstrate the needs for sustainable development
PO 8
Demonstrate professional ethical principles, responsibilities and commit to norms of petroleum engineering practice
PO 9
Individual and Team Work
Work effectively as an individual, a team member or a leader in diverse and multi-disciplinary settings
PO 10
Communicate effectively on complex petroleum engineering activities and give clear presentation to all stakeholders
PO 11
Project Management and Finance
Demonstrate ability to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments using engineering management principles at one’s own work, as a team and leader, to satisfy stakeholders requirements
PO 12
Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
At the course level, the achievement criteria or passing threshold is defined as achieving 50% or higher in the assessment. Therefore, a student who has passed every assessment, is considered to have passed and attained the COs and POs for that unit. The performance target is set at 50% of the students attains the assessed POs for each course. At the programme level, the performance target for overall PO attainment (class average) is set at 50% for each PO.
All students have to achieve 50% or greater in all twelves POs during the four-year degree programme.