DEI Best Practices: Newburyport Public Library

At the heart of our mission and as a priority in our strategic plan, the Massachusetts Library System (MLS) supports our members’ initiatives by providing professional development focused on diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and social justice (DEIASJ). In this interview series, the MLS is pleased to highlight the many ways that our libraries contribute to DEI in their communities. Jessica Atherton, Assistant Director, at the Newburyport Public Library, will fill us in about how staff at the Newburyport Public Library applied what they learned from MLS DEI programs.

Jessica Atherton, Newburyport Public Library

Please tell us about how your library contributes to DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion).


Multiple staff have attended webinars on various DEI topics, from Pronouns 101, to “White Anti-Racist Allyship: What is our Role in the Struggle?” provided by MLS. Our library director, Sara Kelso, has participated in a DEI training program run by the City of Newburyport, which thus far has included an intensive four-week interactive training program through Visions, Inc. She acts as a member of the city’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) taskforce. This taskforce aims to support the City’s efforts in developing an equitable and sustainable community.


The library continually strives to expand services to our community. In September 2022, the library partnered with another city department to offer free, onsite weekly drop-in consultations to library visitors, which has had a positive impact on service to the community. We run a variety of book groups and recently added a Spanish language book group. We recently expanded our home delivery program to double its service capacity. We recently introduced a weekly Sensory Friendly Movie Matinee. A staff member has developed a Dari/Farsi pocket collection in response to the needs of a local community of Afghan families. We have adapted programming for patrons with various access needs, such as designing a hybrid approach to allow a blind member of our community to regularly participate in one of our book groups.

Feedback from our patrons

Bright Spots!

On our Home Delivery program:

On our Spanish language book group:

What DEI services, resources, or programs provided by your library are you most proud of?

Our library collaboration with a social worker has met with great success. She stops by once a week and has filled an important need in the community.

In 2020, we received a small grant to improve services to individuals with low-vision and blindness. This allowed us to offer updated technology, accessibility aids, circulating materials, training, outreach, and additional resources to individuals with unique needs. It also provided an opportunity for us to see where we could further improve accessibility, which resulted in an application for the MBLC LSTA Access for All grant in April 2023, with a focus on serving the needs of individuals whose library experience might be improved with hearing assistive technology and services, sensory aids and programming, and low-vision tools.

We also offer up-to-date resource lists for patrons facing food insecurity.

Requests for materials focused on DEI topics such as LGBTQ+ issues, POC, and people with disabilities continue to increase. Our library makes a concerted effort to continually diversify materials in its collection for readers of all ages, backgrounds, and interests.

How did the DEI trainings offered by the Massachusetts Library System help you with your DEI efforts? What trainings were most useful?

A staff member attended “White Anti-Racist Allyship: What is Our Role in the Struggle?” provided by MLS. Like all of their programs, this webinar was interesting and useful. This training was an important platform for addressing challenges relating to DEI. The presenter was knowledgeable and provided good ideas for action plans and next steps for best practices, as well as options for expanding our DEI offerings.

What advice would you give to a library interested to get more involved with DEI?

Bright Spots!

DEI benefits patrons and staff. These are important concepts in a library context because they help to ensure that the library is welcoming and accessible to all members of the community we serve. As such, it’s worth the time, energy, money, and administrative support so staff can attend webinars and meetings, review policies, and participate in other activities to make this a part of our library life. Reviewing the MLS calendar of upcoming events is a great way to get started but be ready – those slots fill up fast!

From Staff:

We run an internal program called Bright Spots where staff recognize and share the accomplishments of our peers.

Interview with Jessica Atherton, Assistant Director, Newburyport Public Library

Interviewed by Michelle Eberle, Consultant, Massachusetts Library System