How to Pass the NHA CCMA® Certification Test the First Time: The Ultimate Medical Assistant NHA CCMA Study Guide

Step 1 of your journey – follow the study guide below.

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Preparing for the NHA CCMA®?

Smarter MA is the most powerful resource available for medical assistants who are serious about passing the certification test the first time.

Table of Contents

  1. Why get certified in the first place? Why bother?
  2. What are the different options available for certification?
  3. Must know topics (direct from test takers)
  4. The three most common studying mistakes (and how to fix them)
  5. What you’ll struggle with the most
  6. Frequently asked questions about the NHA CCMA
  7. Conclusion

Why am I doing this? Why bother getting certified?

A medical assistant certification test is a test that assesses the knowledge of a potential medical assistant who wants to become certified. If you pass the test, you’ll receive a medical assistant certification (similar to how a physician has an MD certification).

Getting certified as a medical assistant opens up career opportunities in the medical field.

Certification demonstrates to employers that you have the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform the job successfully. It also shows your commitment to professional development and excellence.

With certification, you are more competitive in the job market and have access to higher wages and better benefits.

Ultimately, certification will give you the confidence and recognition needed to excel in your career as a medical assistant.

What are the different options available for certification?

Certification tests are administered by many organizations but the four largest certifying bodies are:

  1. The National Healthcareer Association (NHA) – the guide you’re reading
  2. The American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) CMA®
  3. The American Medical Technologists (AMT) RMA®
  4. The National Center for Competency Testing (NCCT) NCMA®

The National Healthcareer Association (NHA) offers the Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) test