Let's make a game!

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Unable to subscribe. Note: If you previously had a GameMaker Studio 2 subscription, any new subscriptions must be in the same currency. Please make sure your country selection is correct. If you need further assistance please contact our helpdesk.


FREE TO USE Includes: More Info


Non-Commercial Licence GX.games Export

Export your game to the GX.games and publish your game to the fast growing Opera GX audience of more than 10 million gamers.

Desktop Exports Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms exports. Web Export HTML5 platform export. Mobile Exports iOS, Android, Amazon Fire, Android TV, and tvOS platforms exports. Non-Commercial Licence GX.games Export Desktop Exports Web Export Mobile Exports


Includes: More Info


Commercial Licence GX.games Export

Export your game to the GX.games and publish your game to the fast growing Opera GX audience of more than 10 million gamers.

Desktop Exports Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms exports. Web Export HTML5 platform export. Mobile Exports iOS, Android, Amazon Fire, Android TV, and tvOS platforms exports. Commercial Licence GX.games Export Desktop Exports Web Export Mobile Exports

Please ensure that your selected country matches the issuing country of your payment card. ($ )

If you have any difficulties, please contact our Helpdesk.


Includes: More Info


Commercial Licence GX.games Export

Export your game to the GX.games and publish your game to the fast growing Opera GX audience of more than 10 million gamers.

Desktop Exports Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms exports. Web Export HTML5 platform export. Mobile Exports iOS, Android, Amazon Fire, Android TV, and tvOS platforms exports. Console Exports* Export games to Playstation 4 and 5, Xbox One, X|S, and Nintendo Switch platforms Source Code Access

Access to Runtime source code for available platforms*, additional terms apply GameMaker Source Code License Agreement

*In order to access console export capabilities, you will need to be a registered developer for the selected platform.

Commercial Licence GX.games Export Desktop Exports Web Export Mobile Exports Console Exports* Source Code Access

Please ensure that your selected country matches the issuing country of your payment card. ($ )

If you have any difficulties, please contact our Helpdesk.


How much does it cost to use GameMaker?

GameMaker is absolutely free to download and keep forever for non-commercial use.

For commercial use or Console export, purchase a Professional license or our Enterprise Subscription.

What are the free limitations of GameMaker?

If you want to make money from your game, you need to buy a Commercial License for $99.99 .

If you want to export to Console you need the Enterprise subscription.

Other than that, everything else is free and unlimited!

Does GameMaker have a watermark?

Nope - whether you're on the Free tier, or one of our two paid tiers, GameMaker does not force a watermark or splash screen on your games.

If you fancy adding a splash screen or our logo somewhere, though, we'd be very grateful!

What happens if I bought a GameMaker Subscription?

If you're currently paying for an old Creator or Indie tier, those subscriptions will not be renewed when your license expires. Once they expire, you may want to purchase a one-time Professional license, or sign up for an Enterprise subscription.

If you choose to buy a Professional license, a discount will be applied based on how much you've previously paid to us in Subscriptions.

Only funds that were paid to us will factor into this calculation, and any free months will not be included.

Here are a few USD examples of how this may apply:

- You've spent 5 months on our Creator Subscription, so you've paid us $24.95, this rounded up to the nearest 5% is 25% of the cost of GameMaker Professional. This would discount the $99.99 fee by 25% and you would pay $74.99, or equivalent in your chosed currency.

- If you've spent a year on our old Indie tier, you will automatically be granted a free Professional license.

- If you've spent two months on our Enterprise tier, you've paid us $158.98 in subscription fees. You will automatically be granted a free Professional licence.

- If your Subscription purchase was made through Steam, please read and follow our Help Article

For more information, please contact our Helpdesk and we will be happy to help.

What happens if I bought a pre-Subscription version of GameMaker?

There is no discount associated with ownership of any GameMaker: Studio (1.4) or GameMaker Studio 2 permanent licence.

If you purchased a GameMaker Studio 2 Desktop/Web/Mobile permanent licence in the past then you are welcome to still release games commercially using the GMS2 runtime.

Here are the licences for the GMS 2 Licence Runtimes:

When we release the new GMRT (GameMaker Runtime) it will be free for non-commercial use. If you wish to use GMRT for a commercial release, we ask that you purchase a Professional licence.