Tax refund

If your tax assessment indicates that you get a tax refund, this means that you have paid too much tax and will receive a refund. To receive payments from the Tax Administration, you must have registered an account number.

Payment date

If you've overpaid tax and are due a refund, the money will be transferred to your account shortly after you’ve received your tax assessment notice.

Amounts under NOK 100 will not be refunded.

Make sure we have the correct account number before you submit the tax return

If your account number is not registered, or you have a new account number, you must update this as soon as possible.


Interest is added at the rate of 3.51 per cent per year, calculated from 1 July in the income year until the tax settlement notice is sent to the taxpayer the following year.

Differences between the tax refund and the amount received in the account

If there’s a difference between the tax refund stated on the tax assessment notice and the amount you’ve been paid, the Tax Administration may have offset the tax refund amount.

Then you’ll receive a separate letter showing the amounts that have been reclaimed through offsetting.

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