File a summons for directions

Find out the steps to take for filing a summons for directions, and the orders and directions the court may make after it is filed.



This page is for matters that the Rules of Court 2014 apply to. For content relating to matters that the Rules of Court 2021 apply, click here.

If you are uncertain as to which version of the Rules of Court applies to your matter, click here.


This page describes the pre-trial processes for civil cases begun by a Writ of Summons (Writ) and heard in the Magistrate’s Court (non-injury motor accident action and any action for personal injuries), the District Court and the General Division of the High Court.

About summons for directions

In general, within 1 month after the close of pleadings, the party who filed the civil claim (the plaintiff) has to file a summons for directions. The summons for directions is then served on the party against whom the claim is made (the defendant).

Refer to the following to find out the steps to take for filing a summons for directions, depending on which court the case is heard.

For District Court cases

In general, the summons for directions hearing is conducted asynchronously. This means the court may proceed to make orders or issue directions to parties based on the documents filed without the attendance of the parties unless the court directs otherwise.

Before filing the summons for directions

Before filing the summons for directions, parties should consult each other on: