All countries are required to report every 5 years to the Committee. The exact deadline for the submission of a country report can be found at the end of the last recommendations made by the Committee to the country in question.
You can find the list of States parties without overdue reports here.
Once the report is sent, the country and the OHCHR (Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights), which supports the Committee in carrying out its duties, agree on a convenient date the following year for the review.
Depending on the circumstances, this can take more or less time. National circumstances that have an effect on the review (e.g. general elections happening at the same time as the review) may be taken into consideration. Unexpected events (e;g. natural disaster affecting a country) may also lead to postpone the review. In addition, the Committee currently has a backlog of reports to review, which means that there may be no available spots the following year.
If the deadline for your country’s report has passed, you can contact government representatives, especially at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to remind them of it, ask them when they are planning to submit and suggest that they hold national consultations with relevant actors to inform their report.
For example, a national child rights coalition launched a public campaign on social media that led to a petition signed by over 10,000 people requiring the government to hold national consultations.
We can assist you devise an advocacy strategy to get your country to submit its report. If you are interested, contact us at
Yes, you could contact government representatives, especially at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, know where they are at in their reporting process, remind them of the deadline and encourage them to hold national consultations with relevant actors to inform their report, if they have not done so already.
You can also develop a media strategy to make your country’s report known by the general public once it is submitted and trigger a national debate on the situation of children’s rights in the country.
The preparation of a State report is a key entry point to lay the base for effective and long-term engagement in the reporting process. Participation in this stage does not exclude the possibility to submit alternative reports directly to the Committee.